Today, at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Shoreline, Washington, one hundred twelve thousand congregations, included the one I attended, learned how the Word of God, as well as His name, Jehovah, has been preserved by Him over the span of thousands of years, even though Satan himself has vigorously labored to prevent accessibility to both throughout the history of mankind. Despite this being the case, many who profess to be Christians do not spread the word of Jehovah in line with His intentions. The first article of the February 2013 publication of The Watchtower, a magazine, released months ahead of time, from which Jehovah's Witnesses conduct their sermons directly out of several days a week in a seminar fashion, gives a brief history of how the most accurate translation of the Bible possible has been passed along to shield us from the evil messages of some other translations (all of the ones that aren't their version, The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures), which were crafted by the devil.
The most important distinction between the NWT and heretical versions of scripture is how often God is referred to by His name, Jehovah. Not referring to God as Jehovah as many times as the scriptures literally do in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek the way the NWT Bible does is essentially the same as worshipping anyone who may go by any name, even if the supposed god is is defined by all of the same stories and traditions as Jehovah is. Admittedly, the name Jehovah is pronounced differently depending on the language it's spoken in and its true pronunciation God prefers is unclear. Regardless, the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses call God by His name to the best of their ability gives them a leg up on the other, less dedicated sects of Christianity.
God expressed His approval of the practices of those who, at the time, identified themselves as "Bible Students" at the 1931 Watch Tower Convention in Columbus, Ohio, when He allotted them the title Jehovah's Witnesses through their leaders. According to The Watchtower, "no one else in the world wanted that name, but God has blessed [them] in the use of it for over eight decades," and since no one else thought of the title before them, it's apparent that Jehovah's way of specifically anointing them His Witnesses was by intending them to conjure it up and claim it first.
Because Jehovah's Witnesses are Jehovah's chosen people, The Watchtower says "nothing in Satan's arsenal can do [them] permanent harm." The most harmful thing Satan tries to do is print copies of the Bible that don't specifically use the name "Jehovah" as many times as they're supposed to. Luckily for us, God has thwarted Satan's attempts and preserved His name in His Word by making the NWT Bible as accessible as possible. Even though the Catholic Church has prohibited the use of vernacular copies of the Bible that people could read or translating the scriptures into English in the past, Jehovah has used John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Miles Coverdale, and Martin Luther as His instruments to reach the world with accurate versions of the Bible so that "no demonic or human power will ever block the preservation of Jehovah's Word," which is now available in over one hundred sixteen launguages.
You should watch this video, all the way to the end.